EVALIDator Version - View report

Numerator attribute number and description: 0201 Average annual net growth of sound bole volume of trees (at least 5 inches d.b.h./d.r.c.), in cubic feet, on forest land
Denominator attribute number and description: 0225 Average annual removals of sound bole volume of trees (at least 5 inches d.b.h./d.r.c.), in cubic feet, on forest land
This ratio estimate is based on the plot area that was forest land at both the beginning and end of the remeasurement period. This provides a more realistic ratio estimate of the actual change component (growth, removals, mortality) that has occurred on lands that remain in the forest land base.
FIADEF as the forest land definition.
Georgia 132018
Page variable=None (based on values from the Current inventory).
Row variable=Congressional District (based on values from the Current inventory).
Column variable=Species group - Major (based on values from the Current inventory).
Filtering clause(s) applied to numerator:
Filtering clause(s) applied to numerator and denominator:

Ratio estimate:
Species group - Major
Congressional District Total Softwoods Hardwoods
Total 1.6423 1.4157 2.7788
Georgia District 1 (Carter, Buddy) 1.2436 1.1693 2.0011
Georgia District 2 (Bishop Jr., Sanford D.) 1.3960 1.2019 2.2971
Georgia District 3 (Ferguson, A. Drew) 1.6203 1.3503 2.7585
Georgia District 4 (Johnson, Henry C. "Hank" Jr.) 3.7244 0.2724 116.2447
Georgia District 5 (Lewis, John) - - -
Georgia District 6 (McBath, Lucy) - - -
Georgia District 7 (Woodall, Robert) 7.5562 11.6353 6.3186
Georgia District 8 (Scott, Austin) 1.5641 1.5261 1.7269
Georgia District 9 (Collins, Doug) 4.7185 2.8198 7.3583
Georgia District 10 (Hice, Jody) 2.1208 1.9880 2.6628
Georgia District 11 (Loudermilk, Barry) 2.0327 2.3754 1.4399
Georgia District 12 (Allen, Rick) 1.3817 1.2246 2.4614
Georgia District 13 (Scott, David) 3.4613 1.2327 17.3722
Georgia District 14 (Graves, Tom) 2.5390 2.0867 3.4094

Numerator estimate:
Species group - Major
Congressional District Total Softwoods Hardwoods
Total 2,036,202,634 1,463,406,746 572,795,889
Georgia District 1 (Carter, Buddy) 327,131,522 280,090,857 47,040,665
Georgia District 2 (Bishop Jr., Sanford D.) 264,617,391 187,423,439 77,193,952
Georgia District 3 (Ferguson, A. Drew) 145,955,664 98,319,031 47,636,633
Georgia District 4 (Johnson, Henry C. "Hank" Jr.) 3,645,452 258,658 3,386,794
Georgia District 5 (Lewis, John) 3,265,232 733,582 2,531,649
Georgia District 6 (McBath, Lucy) 1,761,080 566,109 1,194,971
Georgia District 7 (Woodall, Robert) 7,246,693 2,597,535 4,649,158
Georgia District 8 (Scott, Austin) 301,821,980 238,781,436 63,040,544
Georgia District 9 (Collins, Doug) 161,063,012 55,983,891 105,079,122
Georgia District 10 (Hice, Jody) 335,980,986 252,929,501 83,051,484
Georgia District 11 (Loudermilk, Barry) 22,025,725 16,308,645 5,717,080
Georgia District 12 (Allen, Rick) 360,480,022 278,924,066 81,555,956
Georgia District 13 (Scott, David) 18,171,770 5,578,087 12,593,683
Georgia District 14 (Graves, Tom) 83,036,106 44,911,908 38,124,198

Denominator estimate:
Species group - Major
Congressional District Total Softwoods Hardwoods
Total 1,239,820,901 1,033,689,484 206,131,417
Georgia District 1 (Carter, Buddy) 263,045,632 239,538,782 23,506,850
Georgia District 2 (Bishop Jr., Sanford D.) 189,550,179 155,945,763 33,604,417
Georgia District 3 (Ferguson, A. Drew) 90,079,112 72,810,199 17,268,913
Georgia District 4 (Johnson, Henry C. "Hank" Jr.) 978,803 949,668 29,135
Georgia District 5 (Lewis, John) - - -
Georgia District 6 (McBath, Lucy) - - -
Georgia District 7 (Woodall, Robert) 959,037 223,245 735,792
Georgia District 8 (Scott, Austin) 192,968,239 156,462,494 36,505,745
Georgia District 9 (Collins, Doug) 34,134,208 19,853,889 14,280,319
Georgia District 10 (Hice, Jody) 158,420,788 127,231,189 31,189,599
Georgia District 11 (Loudermilk, Barry) 10,835,932 6,865,561 3,970,370
Georgia District 12 (Allen, Rick) 260,894,248 227,760,840 33,133,408
Georgia District 13 (Scott, David) 5,250,011 4,525,079 724,932
Georgia District 14 (Graves, Tom) 32,704,711 21,522,775 11,181,936

Sampling error percent (Confidence level 68%):
Note: for 95% confidence level multiply SE pct by 1.96
Species group - Major
Congressional District Total Softwoods Hardwoods
Total 4.28 4.53 8.99
Georgia District 1 (Carter, Buddy) 9.93 10.20 31.34
Georgia District 2 (Bishop Jr., Sanford D.) 9.93 10.40 22.83
Georgia District 3 (Ferguson, A. Drew) 18.12 19.86 26.11
Georgia District 4 (Johnson, Henry C. "Hank" Jr.) 89.10 619.70 77.97
Georgia District 5 (Lewis, John) - - -
Georgia District 6 (McBath, Lucy) - - -
Georgia District 7 (Woodall, Robert) 97.62 107.53 95.63
Georgia District 8 (Scott, Austin) 10.55 11.38 19.99
Georgia District 9 (Collins, Doug) 23.32 27.58 32.36
Georgia District 10 (Hice, Jody) 11.02 11.40 21.81
Georgia District 11 (Loudermilk, Barry) 39.83 48.61 47.73
Georgia District 12 (Allen, Rick) 9.77 9.81 24.76
Georgia District 13 (Scott, David) 81.55 77.84 90.27
Georgia District 14 (Graves, Tom) 24.81 28.03 42.37

Number of non-zero plots numerator:
Note: total number of plots in selected evaluations=6455
Species group - Major
Congressional District Total Softwoods Hardwoods
Total 4,627 3,888 3,902
Georgia District 1 (Carter, Buddy) 655 592 441
Georgia District 2 (Bishop Jr., Sanford D.) 678 564 549
Georgia District 3 (Ferguson, A. Drew) 324 275 309
Georgia District 4 (Johnson, Henry C. "Hank" Jr.) 26 16 26
Georgia District 5 (Lewis, John) 10 10 10
Georgia District 6 (McBath, Lucy) 6 4 6
Georgia District 7 (Woodall, Robert) 16 12 16
Georgia District 8 (Scott, Austin) 656 569 527
Georgia District 9 (Collins, Doug) 552 405 545
Georgia District 10 (Hice, Jody) 632 547 566
Georgia District 11 (Loudermilk, Barry) 61 55 57
Georgia District 12 (Allen, Rick) 671 581 530
Georgia District 13 (Scott, David) 45 29 45
Georgia District 14 (Graves, Tom) 295 229 275

Number of non-zero plots denominator:
Note: total number of plots in selected evaluations=6455
Species group - Major
Congressional District Total Softwoods Hardwoods
Total 1,120 953 522
Georgia District 1 (Carter, Buddy) 200 184 62
Georgia District 2 (Bishop Jr., Sanford D.) 201 182 79
Georgia District 3 (Ferguson, A. Drew) 73 60 45
Georgia District 4 (Johnson, Henry C. "Hank" Jr.) 4 2 2
Georgia District 5 (Lewis, John) - - -
Georgia District 6 (McBath, Lucy) - - -
Georgia District 7 (Woodall, Robert) 2 1 2
Georgia District 8 (Scott, Austin) 195 160 94
Georgia District 9 (Collins, Doug) 37 24 29
Georgia District 10 (Hice, Jody) 157 126 88
Georgia District 11 (Loudermilk, Barry) 12 9 9
Georgia District 12 (Allen, Rick) 196 178 81
Georgia District 13 (Scott, David) 3 2 2
Georgia District 14 (Graves, Tom) 40 25 29

Numerator Estimate Description

Average annual net growth volume in the sound bole of trees (at least 5 inches d.b.h./d.r.c.), in cubic feet, on forest land (for remeasured plots (V2 - V1)/(t2 - t1)) that occurred after deducting mortality volume. Because this value is net growth, it may be a negative number. Negative growth values are usually due to mortality (V2 = 0) but can also occur on live trees that have a net loss in volume because of damage, rot, broken top, or other causes.
Tree: A woody plant usually having one or more erect perennial stems, a stem diameter at breast height of at least 3.0 inches, a more or less definitely formed crown of foliage, and a height of at least 15 feet at maturity.
Forest land: Land at least 10-percent canopy cover by trees of any size, including land that formerly had such tree cover and that will be naturally or artificially regenerated. Forest land includes transition zones, such as areas between heavily forested and nonforested lands that are at least 10-percent canopy cover with trees and forest areas adjacent to urban and builtup lands. Also included are pinyon-juniper and chaparral areas in the West and afforested areas. The minimum area for classification of forest land is 1 acre and 120 feet wide measured stem-to-stem from the outer-most edge. Unimproved roads and trails, streams, and clearings in forest areas are classified as forest if less than 120 feet wide.

Denominator Estimate Description

Average annual sound cubic-foot removals on forest land. Trees that were live and on forest land at the time of the previous inventory and were removed from forest land by the time of the current inventory.
Footnote: Removals are cut and utilized trees, trees killed as a result of harvest operations but not utilized, and live trees associated with land-use reclassifications.
Tree: A woody plant usually having one or more erect perennial stems, a stem diameter at breast height of at least 3.0 inches, a more or less definitely formed crown of foliage, and a height of at least 15 feet at maturity.
Forest land: Land at least 10-percent canopy cover by trees of any size, including land that formerly had such tree cover and that will be naturally or artificially regenerated. Forest land includes transition zones, such as areas between heavily forested and nonforested lands that are at least 10-percent canopy cover with trees and forest areas adjacent to urban and builtup lands. Also included are pinyon-juniper and chaparral areas in the West and afforested areas. The minimum area for classification of forest land is 1 acre and 120 feet wide measured stem-to-stem from the outer-most edge. Unimproved roads and trails, streams, and clearings in forest areas are classified as forest if less than 120 feet wide.

Page classification variable description

No pages selected.

Row classification variable description

Congressional district code. A territorial division of a State from which a member of the U.S. House of Representatives is elected. The congressional district code assigned to a plot (regardless of when it was measured) is for the most recent Congress (112th Congress in 2011-2012); the assignment is made based on the plot's approximate coordinates. CONGCD is a four-digit number. The first two digits are the State FIPS code and the last two digits are the congressional district number. If a State has only one congressional district, the congressional district number is 00. If a plot's congressional district assignment falls in a State other than the plot's actual State due to using the approximate coordinates, the congressional district code will be for the nearest congressional district in the correct State. This attribute is coded for the coterminous States and Alaska, and is left blank (null) in all other instances.

Column classification variable description

Species group - Major:
Softwood: A coniferous tree, usually evergreen, having needles or scale-like leaves.
Hardwood: A dicotyledonous tree, usually broad-leaved and deciduous.
Trees with a spcd>999 will be classed as Other (typically tropical species)

Sampling design/estimation method: post-stratification, as described in:

Bechtold, W.A.; Patterson, P.L., eds. 2005. The Enhanced Forest Inventory and Analysis Program - National Sampling Design and Estimation Procedures. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS - 80. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 85 p.

Web citation:

USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis Program, Tue Oct 13 14:32:10 GMT 2020. Forest Inventory EVALIDator web-application Version St. Paul, MN: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. [Available only on internet: http://apps.fs.usda.gov/Evalidator/evalidator.jsp]
SQL Script
This SQL script can be used to derive estimates from FIA Data Base (FIADB)
SELECT pagestr, rowstr, colstr, sum(case den when 0 then 0 else num / den end) ratio,sum(num),sum(den) From (SELECT pagestr, rowstr, colstr, sum(ESTIMATED_VALUE) num, sum(Denom) den From ( select coalesce(pagestr,'`0000 Total') pagestr, coalesce(rowstr,'`0000 Total') rowstr, coalesce(colstr,'`0000 Total') colstr, sum(estimated_value) estimated_value,sum(denom) denom from (SELECT case 1 when 1 then '`0001 None`' end as pagestr, FS_FIADB.EVALIDATORFUNCTIONS.congcdLabel(plot.congcd) as rowstr, case coalesce(tree.spgrpcd,-1) when -1 then '`0004 Not available' when least(tree.spgrpcd,24) then '`0001 Softwoods' when least(tree.spgrpcd,48) then '`0002 Hardwoods' when least(tree.spgrpcd,50) then '`0003 other' when least(tree.spgrpcd,52) then '`0001 Softwoods' when least(tree.spgrpcd,54) then '`0002 Hardwoods' else '`0003 Other' end as colstr, SUM((GRM.TPAGROW_UNADJ * (CASE WHEN COALESCE(GRM.SUBPTYP_GRM,0) = 0 THEN (0) WHEN GRM.SUBPTYP_GRM = 1 THEN POP_STRATUM.ADJ_FACTOR_SUBP WHEN GRM.SUBPTYP_GRM = 2 THEN POP_STRATUM.ADJ_FACTOR_MICR WHEN GRM.SUBPTYP_GRM = 3 THEN POP_STRATUM.ADJ_FACTOR_MACR ELSE (0) END) * (CASE WHEN BE.ONEORTWO = 2 THEN (CASE WHEN (GRM.COMPONENT = 'SURVIVOR' OR GRM.COMPONENT = 'INGROWTH' OR GRM.COMPONENT LIKE 'REVERSION%') THEN (TREE.VOLCFSND/PLOT.REMPER) WHEN (GRM.COMPONENT LIKE 'CUT%' OR GRM.COMPONENT LIKE 'DIVERSION%') THEN (TRE_MIDPT.VOLCFSND/PLOT.REMPER) ELSE (0) END) ELSE (CASE WHEN (GRM.COMPONENT = 'SURVIVOR' OR GRM.COMPONENT = 'CUT1' OR GRM.COMPONENT = 'DIVERSION1' OR GRM.COMPONENT = 'MORTALITY1') THEN CASE WHEN TRE_BEGIN.TRE_CN IS NOT NULL THEN -(TRE_BEGIN.VOLCFSND/PLOT.REMPER) ELSE -(PTREE.VOLCFSND/PLOT.REMPER) END ELSE (0) END) END))*POP_STRATUM.EXPNS) AS ESTIMATED_VALUE, 0 as denom FROM FS_FIADB.BEGINEND BE, FS_FIADB.POP_STRATUM POP_STRATUM JOIN FS_FIADB.POP_PLOT_STRATUM_ASSGN POP_PLOT_STRATUM_ASSGN ON (POP_STRATUM.CN = POP_PLOT_STRATUM_ASSGN.STRATUM_CN) JOIN FS_FIADB.PLOT PLOT ON (POP_PLOT_STRATUM_ASSGN.PLT_CN = PLOT.CN) JOIN FS_FIADB.PLOTGEOM PLOTGEOM ON (PLOT.CN = PLOTGEOM.CN) JOIN FS_FIADB.PLOT PPLOT ON (PLOT.PREV_PLT_CN = PPLOT.CN) JOIN FS_FIADB.COND PCOND ON (PLOT.PREV_PLT_CN = PCOND.PLT_CN) JOIN FS_FIADB.COND COND ON (PLOT.CN = COND.PLT_CN) JOIN FS_FIADB.TREE TREE ON (TREE.CONDID = COND.CONDID AND TREE.PLT_CN = PLOT.CN AND TREE.PREVCOND = PCOND.CONDID) LEFT OUTER JOIN FS_FIADB.TREE PTREE ON (TREE.PREV_TRE_CN = PTREE.CN) LEFT OUTER JOIN FS_FIADB.TREE_GRM_BEGIN TRE_BEGIN ON (TREE.CN = TRE_BEGIN.TRE_CN) LEFT OUTER JOIN FS_FIADB.TREE_GRM_MIDPT TRE_MIDPT ON (TREE.CN = TRE_MIDPT.TRE_CN) LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT TRE_CN, DIA_BEGIN, DIA_MIDPT, DIA_END, SUBP_COMPONENT_AL_FOREST AS COMPONENT, SUBP_SUBPTYP_GRM_AL_FOREST AS SUBPTYP_GRM, SUBP_TPAGROW_UNADJ_AL_FOREST AS TPAGROW_UNADJ FROM FS_FIADB.TREE_GRM_COMPONENT) GRM ON (TREE.CN = GRM.TRE_CN) where tree.prevcond=PCOND.condid and PCOND.cond_status_cd=1 and cond.cond_status_cd=1 AND ((pop_stratum.rscd=33 and pop_stratum.evalid=131803)) and 1=1 GROUP BY case 1 when 1 then '`0001 None`' end,FS_FIADB.EVALIDATORFUNCTIONS.congcdLabel(plot.congcd) ,case coalesce(tree.spgrpcd,-1) when -1 then '`0004 Not available' when least(tree.spgrpcd,24) then '`0001 Softwoods' when least(tree.spgrpcd,48) then '`0002 Hardwoods' when least(tree.spgrpcd,50) then '`0003 other' when least(tree.spgrpcd,52) then '`0001 Softwoods' when least(tree.spgrpcd,54) then '`0002 Hardwoods' else '`0003 Other' end ) tmpxxx group by cube(pagestr,rowstr,colstr) Union select coalesce(pagestr,'`0000 Total') pagestr, coalesce(rowstr,'`0000 Total') rowstr, coalesce(colstr,'`0000 Total') colstr, sum(estimated_value) estimated_value,sum(denom) denom from (SELECT case 1 when 1 then '`0001 None`' end as pagestr, FS_FIADB.EVALIDATORFUNCTIONS.congcdLabel(plot.congcd) as rowstr, case coalesce(tree.spgrpcd,-1) when -1 then '`0004 Not available' when least(tree.spgrpcd,24) then '`0001 Softwoods' when least(tree.spgrpcd,48) then '`0002 Hardwoods' when least(tree.spgrpcd,50) then '`0003 other' when least(tree.spgrpcd,52) then '`0001 Softwoods' when least(tree.spgrpcd,54) then '`0002 Hardwoods' else '`0003 Other' end as colstr, SUM(0) AS ESTIMATED_VALUE, SUM(POP_STRATUM.EXPNS*GRM.TPAREMV_UNADJ * (CASE WHEN COALESCE(GRM.SUBPTYP_GRM, 0) = 0 THEN (0) WHEN GRM.SUBPTYP_GRM = 1 THEN POP_STRATUM.ADJ_FACTOR_SUBP WHEN GRM.SUBPTYP_GRM = 2 THEN POP_STRATUM.ADJ_FACTOR_MICR WHEN GRM.SUBPTYP_GRM = 3 THEN POP_STRATUM.ADJ_FACTOR_MACR ELSE (0) END) * (CASE WHEN (GRM.COMPONENT LIKE 'CUT%' OR GRM.COMPONENT LIKE 'DIVERSION%') THEN TRE_MIDPT.VOLCFSND ELSE (0) END)) AS DENOM FROM FS_FIADB.POP_STRATUM POP_STRATUM JOIN FS_FIADB.POP_PLOT_STRATUM_ASSGN POP_PLOT_STRATUM_ASSGN ON (POP_STRATUM.CN = POP_PLOT_STRATUM_ASSGN.STRATUM_CN) JOIN FS_FIADB.PLOT PLOT ON (POP_PLOT_STRATUM_ASSGN.PLT_CN = PLOT.CN) JOIN FS_FIADB.PLOTGEOM PLOTGEOM ON (PLOT.CN = PLOTGEOM.CN) JOIN FS_FIADB.COND COND ON (PLOT.CN = COND.PLT_CN) JOIN (SELECT P.PREV_PLT_CN, T.* FROM FS_FIADB.PLOT P, FS_FIADB.TREE T WHERE P.CN = T.PLT_CN) TREE ON ((TREE.CONDID = COND.CONDID) AND (TREE.PLT_CN = COND.PLT_CN)) LEFT OUTER JOIN FS_FIADB.PLOT PPLOT ON (PLOT.PREV_PLT_CN = PPLOT.CN) LEFT OUTER JOIN FS_FIADB.COND PCOND ON ((TREE.PREVCOND = PCOND.CONDID) AND (TREE.PREV_PLT_CN = PCOND.PLT_CN)) LEFT OUTER JOIN FS_FIADB.TREE PTREE ON (TREE.PREV_TRE_CN = PTREE.CN) LEFT OUTER JOIN FS_FIADB.TREE_GRM_BEGIN TRE_BEGIN ON (TREE.CN = TRE_BEGIN.TRE_CN) LEFT OUTER JOIN FS_FIADB.TREE_GRM_MIDPT TRE_MIDPT ON (TREE.CN = TRE_MIDPT.TRE_CN) LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT TRE_CN, DIA_BEGIN, DIA_MIDPT, DIA_END, SUBP_COMPONENT_AL_FOREST AS COMPONENT, SUBP_SUBPTYP_GRM_AL_FOREST AS SUBPTYP_GRM, SUBP_TPAREMV_UNADJ_AL_FOREST AS TPAREMV_UNADJ FROM FS_FIADB.TREE_GRM_COMPONENT) GRM ON (TREE.CN = GRM.TRE_CN) where tree.prevcond=PCOND.condid and PCOND.cond_status_cd=1 and cond.cond_status_cd=1 AND ((pop_stratum.rscd=33 and pop_stratum.evalid=131803)) and 1=1 GROUP BY case 1 when 1 then '`0001 None`' end,FS_FIADB.EVALIDATORFUNCTIONS.congcdLabel(plot.congcd) ,case coalesce(tree.spgrpcd,-1) when -1 then '`0004 Not available' when least(tree.spgrpcd,24) then '`0001 Softwoods' when least(tree.spgrpcd,48) then '`0002 Hardwoods' when least(tree.spgrpcd,50) then '`0003 other' when least(tree.spgrpcd,52) then '`0001 Softwoods' when least(tree.spgrpcd,54) then '`0002 Hardwoods' else '`0003 Other' end ) tmpyyy group by cube(pagestr,rowstr,colstr)) tmptable GROUP BY pagestr, rowstr, colstr) tmp2table group by pagestr, rowstr, colstr order by pagestr, rowstr, colstr

RESTful Web Service Call
This RESTful Web Service call can be used to generate estimates directly from browser address line
https://apps.fs.usda.gov/Evalidator/rest/Evalidator/fullreport?reptype=State&lat=0&lon=0&radius=0&snum=Average annual net growth of sound bole volume of trees (at least 5 inches d.b.h./d.r.c.), in cubic feet, on forest land&sdenom=Average annual removals of sound bole volume of trees (at least 5 inches d.b.h./d.r.c.), in cubic feet, on forest land&wc=132018&pselected=None&rselected=Congressional District&cselected=Species group - Major&ptime=Current&rtime=Current&ctime=Current&wf=&wnum=&wnumdenom=&FIAorRPA=FIADEF&outputFormat=HTML&estOnly=N&schemaName=FS_FIADB.

Start time Tue Oct 13 14:31:42 GMT 2020
End time Tue Oct 13 14:32:10 GMT 2020