ArcGIS Video Task List

As I documented in the course syllabus, your Video Assignment grade is comprised of two tasks.  The first part is to video-document the 38 common ArcGIS tasks listed below.  (The second part will be administered during the course’s scheduled final exam period – See Syllabus).  Please use the GIS data I provide in your videos (DOWNLOAD HERE) .  You will upload these videos to the VideoAssignment – Part 1 ELC assignment folder.  The video upload site is open now.  You can upload/re-upload videos until 3:00pm on May 1, 2020.  No late submissions will be accepted.

I want you to begin each video  with a:

  • Word document open and in the forefront that shows your name, the date, the video task number you are addressing, and a selfie/current photo of you

Make sure you:

  • Create one video for each task
  • Use the following naming convention: <task #><LastName>
    • I would name my task #1 “1Lowe.mp4”
  • Keep in mind your videos will be graded using the rubric and relevant guidelines presented in the course syllabus
    • videos that are to the point will receive high marks
    • videos that are not to the point will receive low marks
  • If the task requires you to run a tool from the Toolbox, I want to see where/how you find it
  • If the task requires you to process a data layer, I want you to start the video with that data layer already loaded and shown in the TOC
  • DO NOT ask if you can turn in a non-video for credit
  • Some of the videos might seem redundant.  That is OK.  That is OK.

Some of the tasks require only a few clicks while others are a little more complex.  Pay attention to the time constraints listed next to each task – try to stay as close to these times as possible, but going over a little is OK;  going over a lot is not OK.  Start with a blank instance of ArcMap for tasks 1 and 2.  For the remaining tasks, start your video with the layers you will process already loaded. The tasks I want you to video-document are:


You can document the task using ArcMap or QGIS.

I am now expecting 31 videos.  I have removed requests for videos that were too ArcMap for it to make sense in QGIS.  I will count the tasks you have already uploaded even if I removed it from the list.  If you are in QGIS and unsure of how to perform a task, give YouTube a search.  There are a lot of tutorials out there now.

  1. Load a point, line, and polygon layer to an ArcMap project (<30 sec)
  2. Load a raster aerial photograph layer to an ArcMap project (<30 sec)
  3. Switch between Data View mode and Layout View mode (<30 sec)
  4. Add legend, title, text, north arrow, scale bar, and scale text to an ArcMap layout (<5 min)
  5. Symbolize a point layer (change color and symbol) (<30 sec)
  6. Symbolize a line layer (change color and symbol) (<30 sec)
  7. Symbolize a polygon layer (change color outline and fill) (<30 sec)
  8. Label features in a point layer (use any field in the attribute table) (<30 sec)
  9. Label features in a line layer (use any field in the attribute table) (<30 sec)
  10. Label features in a polygon layer (use any field in the attribute table) (<30 sec)
  11. Set the map layout scale to 1″ to 1000′ (<30 sec)
  12. Convert a raster layer to vector (<30 sec)
  13. Convert a vector layer to raster (<30 sec)
  14. Load the Spatial Analyst extension (<30 sec)
  15. Define the projection of a data layer (<30 sec) (NOTE: if in QGIS, try searching for “qgis define projection” or similar terms)
  16. Project a vector layer from one known coordinate system to another (<2 min) (see:
  17. Project a raster layer from known coordinate system to another (<2 min)
  18. Perform an attribute query to select polygons with a specific attribute (maybe basal area larger than 120 square feet) (<30 sec) (see:
  19. Perform a spatial selection to select all points within a specified distance of the line features stored in another layer (<30 sec) (see:
  20. Create a float field ‘MyAcres’ in the Whitehall_stands shapefile and populate it with each feature’s GIS acreage (<30 sec)
  21. Create a float field called ‘MyLength’ in the Whitehall_roads shapefile and populate it with each feature’s GIS length (use feet as the measurement value) (<30 sec)
  22. Create a field in the Whitehall_stands layer called ‘MyX’ and another called ‘MyY’, both float type, and populate them with the polygon centroid longitude and latitude – this calculates the polygon centroid (<40 sec)
  23. Create a new FileGeodatabase that contains an empty point feature class, an empty line feature class, and an empty polygon feature class.  Add a float field called ‘MyGeometry’ and a text field called ‘MyType’ to each. (<2 min 45 sec)
  24. Create a new polygon shapefile with a text field called ‘MyType’ and a float field called ‘MyArea’ (<45 sec)
  25. Digitizing: Create new polygon shapefile , add “MyAcres” field, Start Editing, trace a polygon feature, populate the “MyAcres” field, Stop Editing (< 5 min) (see:
  26. Add a new field called “MyType” to an existing polygon layer (<30 sec)
  27. Summarize a numeric field based on a categorical field (<30 sec)
  28. Zoom to Layer, Zoom to Selection, Zoom In, Zoom Out, Pan (<1 min)
  29. Demonstrate topological overlay ‘Clip’ (include inputs and outputs) (<2 min)
  30. Demonstrate topological overlay ‘Union’ (include inputs and outputs) (<2 min)
  31. Demonstrate topological overlay ‘Erase’ (include inputs and outputs) (<2 min)
  32. Demonstrate topological overlay ‘Intersect’ (include inputs and outputs) (<2 min)
  33. Demonstrate topological overlay ‘Update’ (include inputs and outputs) (<2 min)
  34. Raster calculator to select a subset of raster values (<2 min)
  35. Reduce the number of classes in a landcover raster by using the RECLASSIFY tool (<2 min)
  36. Use the Raster Calculator to overlay two rasters (similar to the vector UNION command) (<2 min)
  37. Integrate (import and symbolize) a KML you download from Qpublic into an ArcMap project (<5 min)
  38. Submit a data download request (hydrology layer) to the NRCS Geospatial Data Gateway (<2 min)