Processing a terrestrial laser scan of a single tree… (TLS data)
#####might need to install the concaveman library library("lidR") library("rgdal") library("concaveman") #####Load Files mypath<- "U:/FANR5640/Spring2019/labs/lab09Data" myfile<- "SingleTree.laz" infile<- file.path(mypath,myfile) lastmp = readLAS(infile, select = "xyzirc")##, Intensity = F, ReturnNumber = F, NumberOfReturn = F, ScanAngle = F, EdgeOfFlightline = F, ScanDirectionFlag = F, UserData = F, PointSourceId = F, color = T) summary(lastmp) lasd<- lastmp plot(lasd) summary(lasd) #####use for loop later on valMinZ<- lasd@header@PHB$'Min Z' valMaxZ<- lasd@header@PHB$'Max Z' valDifZ<- valMaxZ - valMinZ print(valMinZ) print(valMaxZ) #####manually set ground to valMinZ - #####the next line creates a 'ground' object whose raster values are not actually the ground grnd<- grid_metrics(lasd,min(Z),0.05) #####reset all cell values tothe minimum valMinZ value grnd[grnd > valMinZ]<- valMinZ #####Normalize lasd based on the grnd object created above lasd_n<- lasnormalize(lasd,grnd) summary(lasd_n) plot(lasd_n) #####maximum heigt valMaxZNorm<- lasd_n@header@PHB$'Max Z' col<- pastel.colors(250) #####chm = surface model chm<- grid_canopy(lasd_n, res=0.5,p2r(0.3)) ker <- matrix(1,3,3) #####smooth the canopy height mocel chm <- raster::focal(chm, w = ker, fun = mean, na.rm = TRUE) plot(chm) ####tree detection required for convex_hull procedures below #tree_detection(lasd,lmf(ws=25,hmin=(65))) ttops <- tree_detection(chm, lmf(4, 2)) lasd_n<- lastrees(lasd_n,mcwatershed(chm,ttops)) plot(lasd_n,color="treeID") #####SLICE TREE seqStep<- 3 for (i in seq(0,valMaxZNorm,seqStep)){ charI<- as.character(i) lowval<- i highval<- i + seqStep #####the point cloud below stores the sliced point cloud and is overwritten each loop lasd_n_xxft<- lasfilter(lasd_n,((Z>=lowval) & (Z<highval))) #####https://rdrr.io/cran/lidR/man/tree_hulls.html convex_hulls<- tree_hulls(lasd_n_xxft) sp::plot(convex_hulls) bbox_hulls<- tree_hulls(lasd_n_xxft,"bbox") sp::plot(bbox_hulls) concave_hulls<- tree_hulls(lasd_n_xxft,"concave") sp::plot(concave_hulls) #####Export hulls to shapefile #####pattern to create output file name outshape<-(paste("convexhull_",charI)) writeOGR(obj=convex_hulls,dsn=mypath, layer=outshape, driver="ESRI Shapefile", overwrite=TRUE) }