Assessment of timber harvests in Stewart County, GA
Not many written instructions today. I plan to step you through a Landsat-based assessment of timber harvests in Stewart county, Georgia.
Today, you will:
- Download multiple years of Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 satellite imagery
- Generate NDVI layers for each
- Perform an automatic classification of these NDVI layers
- Assess forest age for this area
Tools & Info:
- Landsat band designations
- USGS Spectral Characteristics Viewer
- What are the best Landsat spectral bands for use in my research?
- Stewart county boundary, property boundary, and 2015 NAIP aerial – Download
Data Source: USGS EarthExplorer
ArcGIS Methods:
- NDVI = Float(<band 4 – band 3>) / Float(<band 4 + band 3>)
- Extract By Mask (clip the images to the Stewart county boundary)
- Composite Bands
- Unsupervised classification: Iso Cluster
- Reclassfiy (or Raster Calculator)