Web Soil Survey

Web Soil Survey (https://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/App/HomePage.htm)

  1. Click the green ‘Start WSS’ button
  2. Create your area of interest (AOI)
    1. Can import a shapefile
    2. Can manually zoom in and draw an area using the AOI tool
    3. Search by address and other methods listed under the Quick Navigation heading on the left
  3. Goto the ‘Download Soils Data’ tab along the top
    1. Click the ‘Create Download Link’ button in the upper and lower right
    2. Right-click and Save As on the link at the bottom of the page to save the zipped soils data to save the compressed file to your working directory
    3. Open File Explorer, navigate to your working directory, right-click on the zipped file > Extract All > …