.. .. What is FIA? https://www.fia.fs.fed.us/library/fact-sheets/overview/What_is_FIA_FS_2018_update.pdf The Enhanced Forest Inventory and Analysis Program – National Sampling Design and Estimation Procedures. This is the document you should reference when talking about the FIA. (http://www.treesearch.fs.fed.us/pubs/20371) Executive Summary: PDF page 9 1998 Farm Bill required: PDF page 14 Phase 1: PDF page 22 […]
Fall 2017
Spatial Analyst Toolset Must load the Spatial Analyst extension to use these tools – Customize >> Extensions >> … ESRI Spatial Analyst Toolset Listing You’ve used the following tools in lab: Conditional – Raster If/Then operations Distance – When paired with a reclassification, this is how we buffer using the raster data type Extraction (specifically […]
Part I of your course notebook is due October 19 by midnight. Upload your work to the How-To Notebook Part I ELC assignment dropbox. I might move a topic to Part II if we don’t cover it before the document is due. I will announce any changes during […]
5. (10 points) Compress your working directory (right-click on your working directory in Windows Explorer > 7Zip > Add to archive), call it LabExamWorkingDirectory.zip, and upload it to your ELC Lab Exam assignment dropbox.
4. (10 points) A year later, you get a call from this client informing you that he is enrolling the property in a federal easement program. He needs the property boundary shapefile and the cover type shapefile from the second and third scenario. You need to ZIP […]
3. (40 points) A week later, you get an email detailing yet another change. He wants to convert the southern corner to longleaf pine, the northwestern corner to slash, retain three irrigated crop fields, and put the remaining non-hardwood into loblolly. For this scenario, he needs to know […]
2. (24 points) Two days later, you hear back from the client. He has decided to convert some of the area to Irrigated Cropland. The WGS84 LONG/LAT center pivot coordinates and pivot arm radii are listed in Appendix 3. For this scenario, the client needs to know how […]
1. (16 points) Your client is interested in the Battle Creek package listed here and needs more information about the property before purchase. Specifically, how many acres have been previously clearcut and how many acres are in hardwood (anything other than clearcut)? The property boundary GPS coordinates […]
Your FORS 7690 lab exam consists of 5 questions… Record your answers in a WORD document and, upon completion, upload it and any other information I request to the ELC Lab Exam assignment dropbox. I recommend you save your project often. Your answers to the ‘How many acres…’ […]
UAV-based Seedling Survival Count Measuring Survival and Planting Quality in New Pine Plantations(Andrew J. and Stephen G. 2006) BFGrant Demo Data (300MB) – download, copy the file to your C:\ workspace, right-click on the MXD > 7Zip > Extract Here, open the ../v105/Untitled.mxd ArcGIS project. figure out where the image is […]