Consider the conservation easement map request we looked at Monday…
“Special Natural Areas” (SNA): all hardwoods and all areas within the riparian buffer
– riparian buffer: 400′ around all features in the rivers layer
– 300′ around “Lake/Pond”, “Reservoir”, and “Stream/River” features in the lake layer
“Mature Forest Envelope” (MFE):
– Areas not in SNA
– pine stands with an age >= 6 with a volume/acre (cuft) > 500
– mixed stands with an age >= 22
“Regenerating Forest Envenope” (RFE):
– Areas not in SNA
– Areas not in MFE
– Remaining pine and mixed stands
“Agriculture Envelope” (AE):
– all areas not in SNA
– all areas not in MFE
– all areas not in RFE
This is how we’re going to address this problem
- Open a new instance of ArcMap, save the project in your C:\ Drive workspace
- Load all of the layers in the Week13_ManagementArea1 file geodatabase.
- Save your project (control-s)
- Add the tloOverlayAnalysisToolbox.tbx to the project
- Open ArcToolbox
- Right-click on the ArcToolbox (the top-most entry in the ArcToolbox) > Add Toolbox
- Navigate to your C:\ Drive workspace and select tloOverlayAnalysisToolbox and hit Open
- You should now see a new toolbox called tloOverlayAnalysisToolbox in the ArcToolbox listing
- Open the 1_Special_Natural_Areas tool for editing
- Expand the tloOverlayAnalysisToolbox to reveal the 1_Special_Natural_Areas tool
- Right-click > Edit
- Double-click the top workspace object in the model and set it to the eo_work FGDB you just created
<…. Me Talking…>
- Add a new TEXT field to the Stands_Ecological_Easement layer called “EaseClass”
- Start Editing
- Query for SNA (All areas in a river or lake buffer):
(specie = 'Hardwood') OR (FID_Rivers_utm1617_Clip_AllBuffers_Work <> -1)
- Use the Field Calculator to populate the EaseClass field (selected records) with “SNA”
- Query for MFE (Not SNA, Pine and Age >=6 with vol > 500, mixed and age >= 22):
(EaseClass IS NULL) AND (( specie = 'Pine' AND age >=6 AND cuft >= 500) OR ( specie = 'Mixed' AND age >=22))
- Use the Field Calculator to populate the EaseClass field (selected records) with “MFE”
- Query for RFE (NOT SNA or MFE, Pine, mixed):
EaseClass IS NULL AND ( specie = 'Pine' OR specie = 'Mixed')
- Use the Field Calculator to populate the EaseClass field (selected records) with “RFE”
- Query for AE (NOT SNA or MFE or RFE):
EaseClass IS NULL
- Use the Field Calculator to populate the EaseClass field (selected records) with “RFE”
There are no AE records - Generate Acreage summary for the classes in EaseClass (summarize a categorical field by summing acres) by Right-click on the EaseClass field > Summarize > …