11. Mixed Data Type Analysis



Create working directory folder on your C:\ drive.  I submitted a NRCS Geospatial Data Gateway data request for four state-wide layers (HUC-12 watershed, NLCD land cover, Primary and Secondary roads, and the National Hydrography Dataset).  Visit the Geospatial Data Gateway and check the order for the user FANR7690@warnellgis.com.  Download the four layers sitting in this user’s order basket.  Copy these files over to your working directory and extract them.  These files are large and may take some time so you need to go ahead and do the download.

I introduce the following raster commands (requires the Spatial Analyst extension) today:

  • Extract By Mask:  allows the user to extract a portion of a raster using a polygon feature
  • Reclassify:  the means by which the user can group raster values into classes (ie. group all pine, hardwood, and mixed pixels into a new value called forested)
  • Polygon to Raster:  convert a polygon to a raster layer
  • Raster to Polygon:  convert a raster layer to a polygon layer