You’ve received a request from a client, The Cattle Company of North Florida, to update an old map of their OCARP Site #1 property (Figure 1). The site is 1,121 acres and consists of clearcut, hardwood, and slash pine sites.
Create a map that matches Figure 2 and upload it to our ELC Lab 5 assignment dropbox. I will step you through the process. Include a text box on the map with the clearcut, hardwood, and slash acreages. You do not need to include the BOUNDARY layer present in the Figure 2 map.
- Figure out where the site is located. There are hints.
- Download the correct 2017 NRCS orthophoto from the NRCS Geospatial Data Gateway
- Figure out what coordinate system you are working in (look at the NRCS orthophoto you download)
- Create your shapefile or FGDB, add fields (mytype, myacres)
- Start editing; Delineate the property boundary
- Cut the property boundary into pieces
- Attribute the polygons; Update geometry
- Export map
Figure 1. OCARP Site #1 2013 map.
Figure 2. Updated OCARP 2017 map.