Raster Ecological Geofence…

Spatial Analyst Toolset

Must load the Spatial Analyst extension to use these tools – Customize >> Extensions >> …

ESRI Spatial Analyst Toolset Listing

You’ve used the following tools in lab:

The scenario:  Create an Ecological Geofence to assist with ‘green’ timberland track procurement.

You have been charged with assessing the company’s timberland holdings in Monroe Tennessee.  Your task is to classify the landscape into three classes: 1) Acceptable, 2) Caution, 3) Not Acceptable – this will be our ‘Ecological Geofence’ layer.  The decision criteria are listed below.

Data Layers: (Right-click > Save As on links below)

  • Landcover – nlcd_tn_utm16.tif (UTM 16, NAD 1983)
  • Rivers – nhd24kst_l_tn123 (UTM 16, NAD 1983)
  • Streets – street100k_l_tn123 (UTM 16, NAD 1983)
  • Protected Areas – clp_PADUS1_4 (UTM 17, NAD 1983):  these are state and federally protected areas
  • Elevation – MonroeTN_elev_cm.img (UTM 17, NAD 1983):  elevation in centimeters
  • Percent Slope – create from Elevation layer

All processing will be carried out using the UTM, Zone 17N, NAD 1983 coordinate system.

Decision Criteria:

  • Bad Slope: Any area whose slope is greater than 20%
  • BAD Protected Areas: All PAD designations
  • BAD Landcover: Land_cover types: ‘Woody Wetlands’, ‘Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands’, ‘Open Water’, and any of the four Developed classes
  • Bad Landcover: Any areas within 1000′ of ‘Open Water’
  • BAD Streams: within 700′ of any stream with a GNIS_NAME and 300′ from all others