Revised R code for catalog processing

This R script allows the user to process multiple LAS/LAZ files at once using the catalog functionality of the lidR library.  If you look closely, this and the R code from Monday are almost identical.  Line 12, here, we create a LAS catalog instead of reading in an individual LAS like in line 20 of Monday’s code.

#####Processing 1 LAZ file. Will generate slope, aspect, and hillshade images; normalize the point cloud; create 
#####canopy height model and a custom metric
#####Save the 
#####might need to install libraries
plan(multisession, workers = 4L)
#####Setting my working directory, output, and my LAZ file name
mypath<- "U:/FORS7690/Fall2020/lectures/MaineProperty/lidar2015/las_utm19"
outfolder<- "out_catalog"
if (file.exists(file.path(mypath,outfolder))){
} else {

lascat<- catalog(mypath)

#####Generate Digital Terrain Model "bare ground model"
###create subdirectory in 'mypath' called "tiles"
newdir<- "dtm"
if (file.exists(file.path(mypath,newdir))){
} else {
###opt_output_files specifies the output directory; files will be tagged with the left/bottom XY
###will use this option repetedly throughout
opt_output_files(lascat) <- file.path(mypath,newdir,"dtm_{XLEFT}_{YBOTTOM}")

###create digital terrain model, 2meter cell, using knn w/ 10 neighbors w/ a power of 2
dtm <- grid_terrain(lascat, res = 2, knnidw(k = 10, p = 2), keep_lowest = FALSE)
###saves new raster called "a_dtm.tif" in mypath
###after you load raster in ArcMap > Calculate Statistics to display
writeRaster(dtm, file.path(mypath,newdir,"/a_dtm.tif"))

###create slope, aspect, and hillshade
slope <- terrain(dtm, opt='slope')
aspect <- terrain(dtm, opt='aspect')
hs <- hillShade(slope, aspect, angle=45, direction=315)
###output slope, aspect, and hillshade rasters to the mypath folder
writeRaster(slope, file.path(mypath,newdir,"/a_slope.tif"))
writeRaster(aspect, file.path(mypath,newdir,"/a_aspect.tif"))
writeRaster(hs, file.path(mypath,newdir,"/a_hillshade.tif"))

#####Normalize point cloud
###normalize point cloud by subtracting dtm elevation from original elevation; output is point cloud
###reset output directory for normalized point cloud
###Z values in the lasnorm catalog represent height above ground; ground located using the grid_terrain function
###here, we are working with the point cloud; exporting normalized point cloud
newdir<- "norm_pointcloud"
if (file.exists(file.path(mypath,newdir))){
} else {
opt_output_files(lascat) <- file.path(mypath,newdir,"ndtm_{XLEFT}_{YBOTTOM}")
lasnorm<- lasnormalize(lascat,dtm, na.rm=TRUE)

#####Create Digital Surface Model
###create and output DSM using the approach described here:
newdir<- "dsm"
if (file.exists(file.path(mypath,newdir))){
} else {
opt_output_files(lascat) <- file.path(mypath,newdir,"dsm_{XLEFT}_{YBOTTOM}")
###generate pit-free chm
###in general pitfree(c(vertical thresholds), c(horizontal thresholds)
dsm<- grid_canopy(lascat, res=2, pitfree(c(0,2,5,10,15), c(0, 1)))
###Add to ArcMap and calculate statistics (catalog>right-click>calculate statistics

#####Generate Canopy Height Model (CHM)
###generate normalized surface model, AKA CHM... Canopy Height Model
###we are working with rasters here
ndsm<- dsm - dtm
###remove all cells less than 0
writeRaster(ndsm,file.path(mypath,newdir,"/a_chm.tif"), overwrite=TRUE)

#####Summarize across a 10 meter cell
###Calculate mean elevation of first return
newdir<- "mean_elev"
if (file.exists(file.path(mypath,newdir))){
} else {
opt_output_files(lascat) <- file.path(mypath,newdir,"meanelev10x_{XLEFT}_{YBOTTOM}")
opt_filter(lascat) <- "-keep_first"
metrics <- grid_metrics(lascat, ~mean(Z), 10)

###remove means less than zero
