FANR 3800 – Week 04 Objectives

Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources

FANR 3800 – Week 4

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FANR3800 – Fall 2022 ESRI Lesson Plan

NOTE: The weekly ESRI.COM/TRAINING modules provide information relevant to the topics we review during lecture and hands-on practice using ArcPro to address the topics we talk about in class. It is my expectation that you complete these each week.

Week Objectives are to:

  1. ensure that you can write queries to select records based on one and multiple attributes
  2. understand the basic characteristics of the geographic Lat/Long (WGS84), and the projected (UTM) coordinate systems
  3. consider when you might use the NAD 1983 datum and when you might use the WGS 1984 datum
  4. know how to select an appropriate coordinate system for a GIS project anywhere in the world

Concepts reinforced in this week’s lab exercise:

  • add field to attribute table
  • calculate geometry (X and Y coordinates)
  • set View’s coordinate system


  • Introduction to Coordinate Systems

Lab deliverable (due Sunday by midnight)

  • Introduction to Coordinate Systems completion certificate (50%)
  • Week 04 Coordinate Systems lab document (50%)