American FactFinder: (
NOTE: The subsections for each bulleted step below tell you how to perform the task.
- Visit AFF >> Advanced Search >> SHOW ME ALL
- Filter to Congressional District
- Click Geographies on left-hand side of screen
- Select “Congressional District” from the dialog dropdown
- Select “All Congressional Districts (115th Congress…)” >> Hit “Add to Your Selections” button
- Hit the CLOSE button in the upper-right to close the Select Geographies dialog
- Filter to Real Estate Taxes
- Click Topics on left-hand side of screen
- Expand the Housing >> Financial Characteristic >> Select Real Estate Taxes
- Close the Select Topics dialog
- Open the “Mortgage Status by Aggregate Real Estate Taxes Paid (Dollars) table
- Tick the box next to the first table B25090
- Select the Download link shown above the list of tables
- Move the compressed file to your workspace and extract
- Download the 115th Congress boundary shapefile (“…”)
- Save the 2019 congressional district boundaries
- Move the compressed file to your workspace and extract
Prepare CSV for use in ArcMap
- Open the ACS_16_1YR_B25090_with_ann.csv in Excel and fix the field names
- First row must have short (<13 characters) and MEANINGFUL field names that contain no strange characters or spaces
- Remaining rows must be data
- Save as new CSV (<<something>>_version1.csv)
- Load your CSV into ArcMap; you can not make edits to a TXT or CSV so
- Save this file out as <<something>>_version1.dbf; YES, load it into ArcMap
- Table Options > Export
- Change the Save As Type to dBASE Table
- Append “.dbf” (you must do this each time you save out as a dBASE file)