The data you are looking at are from a flight on December 14, 2016 in south Georgia. ‘P4_SouthGA_14Dec16_ORTHO02.img’ is the Agisoft 3-band, 0.02 meter resplution, natural-color orthophoto output. ‘P4_SouthGA,14Dec16_DEM08’ is the Agisoft 0.08 meter resolution terrain model generated from the same data.
Set up your project workspace
- Download the data files that arelinked at the top of the page.
- Open File Explorer and create a new folder on the C:\ drive called Lab3
- Copy the zipped file (probably in your Downloads folder) over to the C:\Lab3 folder
- Right-click on the zipped file (make sure it is the one in the C:\Lab3 folder) >> Extract All
- Repeat for lab data 2
- Open ArcMap
- Open the Catalog (Windows >> Catalog)
- Click on the folder-with-a-plus-sign icon (third icon from the left along the top of the Catalog window)
- Select the C:\ drive in the Connect To Folder dialog that appears (this reveals the entire C:\ drive to ArcGIS)
- Save your project as ImageClassification in the C:\Lab3 folder
- Environmental Settings (Geoprocessing pull-down menu >> Environment Settings)
- Current Workspace: C:\Lab3
- Scratch Workspace: C:\Lab3
- Since you will be doing image classification, you need to make sure the Spatial Analyst extension is loaded (Customize pull-down menu >> Extensions >> tick the box next to Spatial Analyst)
- Periodically, <CTRL-S> to save your project
- Open the Catalog (Windows >> Catalog)
Load multi-layer image vs. Load individual bands
KEY DISTINCTION – Add a multi-layer image vs Add a single layer of a multi-layer image
- File > Add Data > Add Data
- When you navigate to the folder in which you saved your image, you will see something similar to the screen capture below:
- You will LOAD the multi-band, color orthophoto if you click once on the layer and then hit Add.
- Alternatively, if you double click on the P4…ORTHO, you will see the individual layers in the image. This is how you load the individual layers of a multispectral image (you will do this in just a minute).
- You will see a grayscale image if you load one of these
Do not let me proceed with the lab until you internalize this difference!!! Questions?
Right-click (on layer) >> Properties…
The steps below only change the way the image appears on the screen.
Change raster color combinations (the Symbology tab)
Natural Color
- Red: Layer_1
- Green: Layer_2
- Blue: Layer_3
Change the image’s appearance
- Stretch Type: ESRI or Standard Deviations are the best
- Statistics: Change the extent from which the stretch statistics are generated
Project the raster from UTM, 17N, NAD 1983 (HARN) to UTM, 17N, NAD 1983
NOTE: You can view the projection properties, if they are defined, under the Properties >> Source tab
Use the Project Raster command
Open the Search window (Windows pull-down >> Search)search for ‘project raster’you are looking for ‘Project Raster (Data Management)’
Use the following entries in the Project Raster dialogInput Raster: P4_SouthGA_14Dec16_DEM08.imgOutput Raster Dataset: E:\Lab3\P4_SouthGA_14Dec16_DEM08_u17N.imgOutput Coordinate System: use the projection dialog to Scroll down to ‘Projected Coordinate Systems’ folder >> UTM >> NAD 1983 >> select NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_17NHit OK
Repeat for the orthophoto
Reset the View’s coordinate system
View pull-down menu >> Data Frame Properties >> Coordinate System tabScroll down to ‘Projected Coordinate Systems’ folder >> UTM >> NAD 1983 >> select NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_17N<CTRL-S>
Clip images to stand boundary
Load the StandBoundary shapefile to the view if you have not already.
- Search for Extract by Mask (Spatial Analyst)
- Input raster: …DEM08.img
- Input raster or feature mask data: StandBoundary
- Output raster: clp_dem08.img (use the file/open dialog to ensure the output is placed in the C:\Lab3 folder)
- Repeat using the …ORTHO02.img layer as input. Call this one clp_ortho02.img
Band combinations (vegetation indices)
Our image data today:
- Blue: Layer_1
- Green: Layer_2
- Red: Layer_3
List of vegetation indices:
We have access to Blue, Green, and Red information, so without the NIR layer, we are somewhat limited in terms of published VIs. For instance, the VARI index formula is
VARI = (Green – RED) / (Green + Red – Blue),
and in terms of our image
VARI = (Layer_2 – Layer_3) / (Layer_2 + Layer_3 – Layer_1)
Here is another list of vegetation indices:
Personally, I have had success with
GI = (Green) / (Blue + Green + Red)
Compute a vegetation index (GI)
- Load the individual ortho bands (Layer_1, Layer_2, and Layer_3)
- These will appear as greyscale images
- Open the Raster Calculator (search for it in the Search window)
- If you get an error message, you have not loaded the Spatial Analyst extension (instructions near the top of the page)
- If you get an error message, you have not loaded the Spatial Analyst extension (instructions near the top of the page)
- The formula will look like this:
- Float(<<Layer_2>>) / Float(<<Layer_1>> + <<Layer_2>> + <<Layer_3>>)
- Compute the GI, with cursor in the middle box:
- type Float
- click ‘(
- double-click on Layer_2
- click ‘)’
- click ‘/’
- type Float
- click ‘(‘
- double-click on Layer_1
- click ‘+’
- double-click on Layer_2
- click ‘+’
- double-click on Layer_3
- click ‘)’
- Name your output c:\Lab3\GI.img (notice the .img extension)
- Try to calculate the Green Leaf Index, Normalised Green Red Difference Index, Vegetation AR Index Green, and Vegetation Index Green (from Make sure you name the outputs with a .img and that you save them in the E:\Lab3 folder.
Unsupervised image classification in ArcGIS
Intro video:
Follow the Unsupervised Image Classification tutorial to classify the ORTHO. DEM, and your vegetation indices.
To turn in to lab 4 dropbox
Present in a Word document:
- The vegetation index formula and a screen shot that produces an image that appears to best discriminate among pine seedlings and everything else
- An explanation why using an unsupervised classification is not the best analysis approach for the terrain model.