FANR5640/7640: Lecture 21 – It is Friday. Or maybe it is Monday. Either way, one last lab…


Photo Info CSV

I have over three years of drone photos stored on my computer.  Unfortunately, I have not kept track of when/where/why I have flown.  I do, however, have only a handful of directories in which I have saved these photos.  I need to search specific directories on my computer for JPEG or TIFF images and log each:

  • photos path and name, the
  • date each photo was acquired, and the
  • X, Y, and Z stored in the photo’s header.

Ultimately, I would like to make a map of all the sites I have flown!

I will use the following tools for this task: ExifTool and Window’s command prompt, EXCEL, ArcMap (or QGis).

ExifTool is a command-line application for reading, writing and editing meta information stored in an image’s header.  Download the Windows Executable from Phil Harvey’s site (

  • Extract the file you just downloaded to the working directory you create for this lab.  I have one file called ‘exiftool(-k).exe‘ in my c:\temp\exiftool-10.93 directory.  Of course, your path might vary from mine.
  • Use Windows Explorer to navigate to your working directory and rename the file to ‘exiftool.exe’.

Command Prompt

  • Open the Windows command line.  Type cmd in the search window (select Command Prompt when it appears)
    • In this screenshot, my current command prompt working directory is ‘c:\Users\biomata’
  • Change your command prompt working directory to match the folder in which you extracted the ExifTool executable
    • In my case, I type  cd c:\temp\exiftool-10.93 and then hit enter.  You need to change this entry to match your extraction location.
    • If for some reason you extracted the ExifTool to somewhere other than the C:\ drive, you must first change the drive by typing the the drive letter followed by a colon
      • Change to the E:\ drive by typing  e:
      • Change to the M:\ drive by typing m:
      • If successful, the drive shown in the command prompt will change (in my case, from c:\Users\biomata to e: or m:
    • Type dir for a listing of all files in that folder
      • You should see ‘exiftool.exe’ listed.  If you don’t, then you are not in the correct location.

ExifTool command

The command I submitted on my office computer to store the file name, date/time, GPS latitude, GPS longitude, and relative altitude of all files on my G:\ drive was this:

exiftool.exe -csv -r -FileName -DateTimeOriginal -GPSLatitude -GPSLongitude -xmp:RelativeAltitude G:/ > Images_GDrive.csv

The output from the above command is a CSV file called Images_GDrive.csv.  This file is saved in the directory from which the command was issued.  In your case for this lab, it will be saved in your ExifTool folder.

A little data cleaning in Excel

Open your CSV in Excel…  Use my file HERE (this is the same download link from above)

Create and populate a FileExtension field

  • insert a new column after column B
  • in C1, type FileExtension
  • copy the following into C2:
  • copy this formula down to all cells

Delete all non-image records 

  • sort the workbook by the GPSLongitude column
  • manually delete records that do NOT have a GPSLongitude or GPSLatitude value
  • You will have 7818 records remaining in the workbook

Convert the GPSLatitude to decimal degree format

  • copy the GPSLatitude column over to column H
  • rename column H to DDLatitude
  • select the DDLatitude column
  • Run Find/Replace (ctrl H)  four times
    • deg (type deg in the FIND WHAT box –> REPLACE WITH a single space (hit the space bar to insert one blank space) –> Replace All
    • ‘ (this is a single quote) –> (hit the space bar to insert one blank space) –> Replace All
    • ” (this is a quotation mark) –> (hit the space bar to insert one blank space) –> Replace All
    • N –> (hit the space bar to insert one blank space) –> Replace All
  • Your DDLatitude entries should now look like 
  • Convert DMS Latitude to DD Latitude
    • Split column H by space
      • select column H
      • Data > Text To Columns > Delimited (Next) > tick the box next to Space > Finish
    • Type the following in K2 and then copy it down to all of the rows
      =(H2 +(I2 / 60) + (J2/3600))
    • Copy the values from K2 and Paste Values into column H
    • Delete columns I, J, and K

Convert the GPSLongitude to decimal degree format

  • copy the GPSLongitude column over to column I
  • rename column H to DDLongitude
  • select the DDLongitude column
  • Run Find/Replace (ctrl I)  four times
    • deg (type deg in the FIND WHAT box –> REPLACE WITH a single space (hit the space bar to insert one blank space) –> Replace All
    • ‘ (this is a single quote) –> (hit the space bar to insert one blank space) –> Replace All
    • ” (this is a quotation mark) –> (hit the space bar to insert one blank space) –> Replace All
    • W –> (hit the space bar to insert one blank space) –> Replace All
  • Your DDLongitude entries should now look like 
  • Convert DMS Longitude to DD Longitude
    • Split column I by space
      • select column I
      • Data > Text To Columns > Delimited (Next) > tick the box next to Space > Finish
    • Type the following in L2 and then copy it down to all of the rows
      =(I2 + (J2/60) + (K2/3600)) * -1
    • Copy the values from L2 and Paste Values into column I
    • Delete columns J, K, and L

Save your workbook out as a new CSV file

ArcMap Magic

  • Load the new CSV file you just saved into a blank ArcMap project
  • Create an EVENT THEME (displays the lat/long values as a series of points)
    • right-click on the CSV layer in the Table of Contents > Display XY Data
    • X = Longitude
    • Y = Latitude
    • Coordinate System: Geographic > World > WGS 1984
    • Hit OK and notice the new layer loaded in the TOC
  • Save your Event Theme out as a new shapefile
    • Right-click on the EVENT THEME > Data > Export Data
    • Yes, load new layer to the view
  • Submit one final query against the new shapefile to filter all of the empty records
    • Open your shapefile’s attribute table > Table Options > Select by Attributes
      "FileName"  <> ''
    • You should have 7817 records selected
  • Save the selection out as a new shapefile
    • Right-click on your shapefile > Data Export Data
  • Drop a basemap in the background and you should have something like this 
  • You could finish this map out by creating a Map Layout
    • insert north arrow, legend, scale bar, text, etc and then
    • File > Export to save as a JPEG.
  • My interest is to automatically group records by flight.