FORS 7690 How-To Notebook (Part I)



Part I of your course notebook is due October 19 by midnight.  Upload your work to the How-To Notebook Part I ELC assignment dropbox.

I might move a topic to Part II if we don’t cover it before the document is due.  I will announce any changes during class.

These are the topics I would like you to document in your notebook.  I want you to create a video screen cast for the 5 entries I’ve highlighted.  You are welcome to format the others however you feel is best for you (Word document, video, flow chart, YouTube channel, etc).  My only requirement is that you make it easy for me to find each entry, easy for me to navigate, and easy to grade.  Also, answer these in your OWN words – please don’t copy/paste from my lecture materials.

  • Discussion of verbal and representative fraction scales (what they are, how to interpret, how to convert between the two, etc)
  • The proper formatting of an external table (xlsx, csv, txt, etc) for import into ArcMap
  • Create a video screen cast where you demonstrate how to join an external table to a feature data set in ArcMap (VIDEO)
  • Create a video screen cast where you demonstrate how to create a map layout with title, scale bar, scale text, north arrow, source text, etc) (VIDEO)
  • Create a video screen cast where you demonstrate how to create a new file geodatabase (include adding fields) (VIDEO)
  • Create a video screen cast where you demonstrate how to create a new shapefile (include adding fields) (VIDEO)
  • Create a video screen cast where you demonstrate how to summarize a field by summing the acreage.  (VIDEO)
  • How you would go about digitizing the Whitehall forest (assume I give you the 2013 aerial photo) (ie. The steps for digitizing)
  • Request data from NRCS Geospatial Data Gateway; Download and unzip requested data; load requested data into ArcGIS (
  • Differentiate between the ArcGIS commands Define Projection and Project (when to use them and how they differ)
  • Document the meaning of properly defining a layer’s projection (project define, or any time you have a chance to set the CS)
  • Detailed instructions on how to georeference an image..